Monday 5 June 2017


By MacPherson Mukuka_Urban

 In my growing up in a quite big township of Lusaka Province called Mtendere,(Peace Park) I never ceased to wonder some stories and their basis.

Every late evening of every day, we would sit around a fireplace and have a listen to some fairy tales, most of which where told by some old folks for one particular reason. You would not argue with them.

Quite a number of stories were told but the most bizarre one was about how one would grow a big head if they ate the slowest than their friends.

I really did not get the sense especially that I was usually the culprit,  I keep the best for last.

If it was nshima with a superb relish, obviously the NDIYO (relish) would be devoured last.

And I would get such comments of 'Walakula icimutwe' meaning "You will grow a big head".

It was only later in life that  got the complete meaning of it, and while that's my understanding.

The meaning  was that I needed to do things and finish at their appointed time.

I later learnt that life has everything timed and only those that there is no need to waste any second on it. Time to eat nshima meant eating it with its accompaniment.

So is life now, lets take for instance a problem.

Solving a problem cant be a success if you don't know you weakness(es). You will need to table both but not at separate intervals.

You will need not to waste time working on you problem while you leave your weaknesses idol, lest that gives birth to another problem.

Today I am grateful, that despite not growing that 'big head' I have managed to learn the ways of life and knowing that some things a tackled at once.

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